Our annual IMB barbeque was absolutely fantastic, and even the weather turned around for the better
Yannick Weyer successfully defended his dissertation “Functional characterization of a novel post-ER associated degradation system ” […]
Konstantin Siegmann has started his PhD thesis in David’sgroup. We are happy, Konsti, to have you […]
Oct 23, 2023: Jennifer Zierler defended her thesis “Metabolic regulation of nutrient transporter endocytosis”. Congratulations and […]
Katrin Watschinger, Denise Kummer and Ilaria Dorigatti, at the 63rd edition of the International Conference on […]
Oct 1, 2023: Prof. David Teis is appointed Director of the Institute.
From September 21-23, Katrin Watschinger, Denise Kummer and Ilaria Dorigatti attended the “Conference of the International […]