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- Jan 4, 2025: Article: “Checkpoint Golgi: Neues Recycling-System in Zellen”
- Nov 19, 2024: “Golgi-Apparat checkt Membranproteine”
- Oct 26, 2024: Yannick’s and Iduna’s paper on Golgi quality control “The Dsc ubiquitin ligase complex identifies transmembrane degrons to degrade orphaned proteins at the Golgi” is out in Nature Communications. Congratulations to all the authors!
- Oct 1, 2024: We have a new PhD student! Lucija Kucej joined David’s with the start of the winter term.
- Sep 30, 2024: After decades at our institute, Georg Golderer entered his well-deserved retirement. We wish you all the best, Georg!
- Sep 1, 2024: Lisa Pupetschek and Philipp Andesner joined our institute as technicians. Welcome, Lisa and Philipp, we are happy to have you with us!
- Aug 1, 2024: Our annual IMB barbeque was absolutely fantastic, and even the weather turned around for the better!
- Jun 5, 2024: Prof. Katrin Watschinger was elected Deputy Director of the Biocenter
- May 17, 2024: Yannick Weyer successfully defended his dissertation “Functional characterization of a novel post-ER associated degradation system ” to earn his doctoral degree. Congrats, Yannick!
- May 1, 2024: Konstantin Siegmann has started his PhD thesis in David’s group. We are happy, Konsti, to have you with us and wish you a successful time in our institute!
- Jan 1, 2024: Our institute has been renamed from “Institute of Biological Chemistry” to “Institute for Molecular Biochemistry”
- Dec 18, 2023: Institute Retreat: Curling in Seefeld
- Oct 23, 2023: Jennifer Zierler defended her thesis “Metabolic regulation of nutrient transporter endocytosis”. Congratulations and all the best for your future!
- Oct 2023: Katrin Watschinger was appointed deputy director of the Institute of Biological Chemistry.
- Oct 2023: 63rd edition of the International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL) in Palma de Mallorca
- Oct 1, 2023: Prof. David Teis is appointed Director of the Institute.
- Sep 2023: “Conference of the International Plasmalogen Society 2023” in Vienna
- Mar 2023: Technician Nikolas Andersen is the newest addition to the group of Katrin Watschinger. Welcome Niko!
- Nov 15, 2022: Denise Kummer has started her PhD on “The role of ether lipids in ferroptosis” in the group of Katrin Watschinger. We are happy to have you with us.
- Aug 2022: Ilaria Dorigatti, our new PhD student, has been nominated for the “2nd Immunis Sponsorship for Young Science” by Szabo-Scandic
- Mar 2022: CMLS has just accepted our paper “Essential role of a conserved aspartate for the enzymatic activity of plasmanylethanolamine desaturase”. Thank you to the Liedl group here in Innsbruck for the excellent collaboration.
- Nov 2021: What a breakthrough: Our research group project “Oxidative damage & repair of membrane lipids in health and disease” was funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. This will link the laboratories of Markus Keller,
Judith Hagenbuchner, Lukas Neumann, Timon Adolph and me tightly together for the next years to come. Follow us also on
- Mar 2021: Excellent news: The Austrian Science Fund FWF grants our stand-alone project where wel work on “Dissecting the role of plasmalogens in ether lipid-associated pathologies” in close collaboration with Prof. Dr. Johannes Berger from the Medical University of Vienna and his team.
- Mar 2021: Our paper “
When the genome bluffs: a tandem duplication event during generation of a novel Agmo knockout mouse model fools routine genotyping” has been accepted in Cell & Bioscience.
- Jan 2021: Our Review on “
The Emerging Physiological Role of AGMO 10 Years after Its Gene Identification” is out!
Media Reports (German)
- Neue Professorin Katrin Watschinger erkundet den Lipid-Stoffwechsel (11.05.2023)
- Lang gesuchtes Fettstoffwechsel-Gen zugeordnet (7. 5. 2020)
- Auszeichnung für Katrin Watschinger (14.1.2019)
- Neue Drittmittel für die Medizinische Universität Innsbruck (6.11.2017)
- Wissenschaftspreis der Stadt Innsbruck and 4 junge ForscherInnen verliehen (18.12.2015)
- Erste Hinweise auf immunregulierende Rolle der Alkylglycerol Monooxygenase (MyPoint, 3.2.2015)
- Innsbrucker ForscherInnen klären Mechanismus für seltene Krankheit (MyPoint, 25.8.2014)
- Tiroler Wissenschaftsfonds fördert exzellente Nachwuchsforschung (MyPoint, 30.1.2015)
- Heribert Konzett Preis für junge Biochemikerin (MyPoint, 20.10.2014)
- Forscherin der Medizinischen Universität erhält Förderpreis des Landes Tirol (MyPoint, 18.10.2012)
- Tiroler Wissenschaftspreise verliehen (ORF Tirol, 19.7.2012)
- Den Fettstoffwechsel besser verstehen (Geistesblitz – DerStandard 13.4.2011)
- Drittes Life Science Meeting, Preis für besten Vortrag (MyPoint, 6.10.2011)
- Sanofi Aventis Preis 2010 an drei JungforscherInnen der MUI (MyPoint, 15.12.2010)
- Gen für Fettstoffwechselreaktion gefunden (MyPoint, 12.8.2010)